Support the Kennedy Center
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The Kennedy Center understand that donating time and/or treasure is a very personal matter and that every donor’s reasons for giving is personal to them. This is why we have create a variety of ways donors can help the Agency continue to provided critical services to those in need.
Please check to see if your place of employment has a program that will match your donations.
Below are the Fund Groups in which donors can participate:
LEGACY FUND DONATIONS: Donating to a Legacy Fund allows individual, family or corporate donors to pledge funds over a period of years with the cumulative total creating a member in the the Legacy Fund of their choice.
DONOR DESIGNATED FUNDS: Donors who are interested in making a substantial donation directed at a specific project or program can create a Donor Designated fund that will be managed by the John F. Kennedy Family Service Center Support Foundation.
BUILDING FUND: The Kennedy Center Early Education site located at 23 A Moulton Street is in a turn of the century brick building that was the original Kent Public School. Maintaining a building of this size and age is at times is a financial challenge which is why we have created a “Building Fund” for those that wish to support the continuation of educational services in this historic facility. Funds collected will be dedicated to modernization and capital improvement projects.
EVENT SPONSORSHIP: Event sponsorship donations help defray the costs of hosting community service projects, education forums, and fund raising events. The funds raised from any of these events will be used to support a programmatic services and general operating functions,
SPONSOR A CLASSROOM: Donors interested in helping the Kennedy Center provided the highest quality educational experience for every child can Sponsor a Classroom. Classroom sponsors’ funds will be used to purchase educational enrichment curriculum, supplies and equipment.
ANNUAL FUND CAMPAIGN: Annual fund donations help pay for critical antipoverty services that not funded by State, Federal, and/or City government. Every dollar raised in this annual fund drive is used for direct program services.
ANNUAL HOLIDAY TOY DRIVE: Annually the Agency collects funds that are used to purchased toys and gifts for 300 or more children form low income families. It is not unusual that the gifts received by some of the children may be the only gifts they receive in the holiday season.
BEQUESTS: We encourage individuals who have received services, volunteered in some capacity or have been a financial supporter of the Kennedy Center to consider including the Agency in your estate plan.
Want to “Give the Gift of Time”, please visit our Volunteer Opportunities page.