Personal Care Services
The Kennedy Center’s Personal Care service provides “hands on” assistance with personal hygiene and adult daily living for those elders who require varying level of assistance to continue living safely in the comfort of their own home. The Kennedy Center’s Personal Care service provides well trained staff who implement individualized personal care services plans that are tailored to the needs of each customer.
Below is a representative listing of the services that we routinely provided:
- Bathing (bed, tub, sponge or shower)
- Hair Care (combing, brushing, shampooing)
- Toe and Finger Nail Care (filling and cleaning only)
- Foot Washing and Soak (as authorized by plan of care)
- Skin Care
- Shaving (with electric razor)
- Mouth Care (teeth and dentures)
- Toileting Assistance (bathroom, commode, or bed pan)
- Dressing and Undressing Assistance
- Eating/Feeding (as authorized by plan of care)
- Ambulation and Transfers
Additional services that fall within the personal care service area may be added as needed.
If you have an elderly family member that you believe could benefit from Personal Care Services we would be pleased to discuss our services with you and/or you’re your elderly relative. If you would like more information or would like to request a services needs assessment please contact our Community Service Coordinator at 617-241-8866 EXT. 1351 or email [email protected].
The Kennedy Center accepts a variety of payment methods for its Personal Care services including private “fee-for-service” payments .
Personal Care
Please contact us is you are interested in learning more about our service options. We look forward to working with you to meet your elder care needs.